About Me

Just ramblings from a mama and papa raising their little bebe and all the fun and interesting things we see along the way.

A little about me:

I’m Mackenzie, and I grew up in Louisiana. I went to a private school in Baton Rouge until my family moved to St. Francsiville when I was 13, where I went to West Feliciana High School. I  moved to Mexico when I was 17 where I met and married my husband at 18, and we have been  living in Baton Rouge since then. Since originally meeting eachother, we have both become fluent in the others’ language. It has been a fun ride to say the least.  In December 2013, I graduated from LSU while 9 months pregnant with a degree in Spanish Literature. We are now raising our daughter Ezra to be bilingual. It is interesting for both of us because neither of us grew up in bilingual families.

After years of forcible reading and writing during my degree program, I morphed into somewhat of a lifelong learner, observer, and critic, and cannot seem to stop reading and writing.  After graduating college, I was in such the routine of writing papers…books, rather, that I just continued to write, but to a different audience- to my daughter. Since the birth of my daughter in January 2013,  I started writing periodic letters to her that I call “Dear Ezra.” It was within these letters that I realized my love of writing and finally decided to start writing and posting my thoughts on a blog.

I enjoy painting, reading, writing, gardening, cooking, and being a stay at home mom.

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